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New-Media Arts Protocol to Use Stem Cell

Innovative applications = ethics + policies + creativity
April 2018 - Jul 2020
  • First phase: Drafting a protocol to transfer stem cells to new-media lab.
  • Second phase: Open discussions. 
  • Third phase: Design and examine the last version. 
  • Methods: questionnaires, emails, communications, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses.
  • Software: Adobe design package for designing the protocol templates.  
  • Programming languages: Python for data analysis.

>> Medical Huamnities, BMJ.

Supported sustainable development goals:  

The New-Media Arts Protocol to Use Stem Cells (abbreviated NMAP-SC) is an interdisciplinary template-based protocol designed as an attempt to process stem cells inside new-media arts labs worldwide. This protocol should be used to promote stem cell research outputs based on the mutual contributions of biolabs and new-media labs. New-media art can offer a variety of strategies to engage scientists in public engagement projects. It can also facilitate the integration of the public into a unified area with various stakeholders, such as politicians, policymakers, clinics, and industry. This allows the public to directly participate in the scientific process and gain a deeper understanding of the operations of scientific inquiry, thereby promoting stem cells as open science. Every biological or art center can use this template-based protocol in its current beta version to build cooperation between a team of new-media artists and biologists.


June-Nov 2018: Draft

Prepared a basic draft of a template that can be used to outline joint projects between biologists and new-media artists using stem cells according to the three adopted approaches we proposed to promulgate stem cells as open science.   

Jan-Mar 2019: Discussion

Discussed the assumed draft with several experts from the biological and artistic societies in order to consider their notes in the template protocol's beta version.     

Jul-Nov 2019: Survey

>> see the announced questionnaire.  It was sent to more than 1867 new-media artists and biologists at the most prestigious academic institutions in biology and new media.   

Jul-Nov 2019: Notes 

All collected responses were considered to develop the beta version towards a potential final version.   

Feb 2020:


The final version was built according to all previous discussions, notes, and survey responses.   

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This protocol has been designed to facilitate smooth and effective cooperation between Biologists and new-media artists or between stem cell research labs and new-media arts labs. The developed protocol aims at employing the treasure of tools and methodologies in new-media arts to define stem cell research as open science by three approaches:

​- Promulgate/simplify the conceptual issues related to stem cell research.

- Disseminate stem cell research into the public arena. 

- Transfer stem cells as material from biological labs to new-media arts labs.

​By using new-media art as a science of engagement, these three approaches are crucial. An unlimited number of public engagement projects would be built and integrate the laypeople into countless critical issues related to their biological future towards more democratic sciences.

​After the protocol has been designed in its first version, A ten-question survey has been designed to ask biologists, new-media artists, and other stakeholders about their satisfaction and the ability of such protocol to achieve unlimited numbers of public engagement projects that can accomplish the above three purposes to get stem cell as open science.

  • Special thanks are due to Dr. Clara Novo, Stem cell researcher at The Babraham Institute, Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, for her valuable time discussing publications related to this project.

  • To Hannah Star Rogers, Margot Mcmahon, Roberta Gerling Moro, Gina Czarnecki, Ana Peraica, Adam Zaretsky, Michael Edel, Eitan Mendelowitz, and Paz Tornero for their valuable comments and contributions.  ​

MIT press
medical humanities journal

© 2020 | Diaa Ahmed Mohamed Ahmedien | All rights reserved

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