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A drop of light: an interactive new media art investigation of human-technology symbiosis

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.A.M. A drop of light: an interactive new media art investigation of human-technology symbiosis. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 721 (2024).

SDGs in new-media arts for science
How do new-media arts promote biotech as means for sustainable development?

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D. A. M. (2022) SDGs in new-media arts for science: How do new-media arts promote biotech as means for sustainable development?  DOI: 10.15252/embr.202255594


Analysing bio-art’s epistemic landscape: from metaphoric to post-metaphoric structure

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D. A. M. (2022) Analysing bio-art’s epistemic landscape: from metaphoric to post-metaphoric structure. BioSocieties, Springer Nature.  DOI: 10.1057/s41292-022-00270-y


Manual-to-digital approach to reprocessing waste: A practice-based perspective towards redefining the environmental role of the arts

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D., Singel, R. and Pradal, M., 2022. Manual-to-digital approach to reprocessing waste: a practice-based perspective towards redefining the environmental role of the arts. AI & SOCIETY.  DOI: 10.1007/s00146-021-01321-x.

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New-media arts-based public engagement projects could reshape the future of the generative biology.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D. A. M. (2020) New-media arts-based public engagement projects could reshape the future of the generative biology. Medical Humanities, 47(3), pp.283-291 BMJ.  DOI: 10.1136/medhum-2020-011862.

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Bio-pixels: A stem cell-based interactive–generative interface designed to redefine technologies of self-making in new media arts.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D. A. M. (2019) Bio-pixels: A stem cell-based interactive–generative interface designed to redefine technologies of self-making in new media arts. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(5-6), pp.1367-1390, SAGE. DOI: 10.1177/1354856519890096.


Manipulating Stem Cells in the New-Media Labs: Develop A Protocol Template Toward an Innovative Understanding of Cancer.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.A.M., 2019. Manipulating Stem Cells in the New-Media Labs: Develop A Protocol Template Toward an Innovative Understanding of Cancer. Leonardo, 54 (2): 212–214, MIT Press. Doi: 10.1162/leon_a_01767.

Towards a Unique Artistic Constitution of Light: An Aesthetic Investigation of Laser Sciences.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.A.M. (2018) Towards a unique artistic constitution of light: an aesthetic investigation of laser sciences. International Journal of Arts and Technology, 10(4): 256-270, Inderscience Press. DOI: 10.1504/IJART.2017.10013785

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Three and one chair: an analytic investigation into the Holo-Art.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.A.M. (2017) Three and one chair: an analytic investigation into the Holo-Art. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 17(1), pp.1-21,  Routledge: Taylor & Frances group.DOI: 10.1080/14702029.2017.1325078.


Reactivating the Neural Dimension Role in Interactive Arts.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.A.M. (2016) Reactivating the Neural Dimension Role in Interactive Arts. Leonardo, 50(2), pp.182-183., MIT Press. DOI: 10.1162/leon_a_01376.


Designing an artificial environment to create contemporary experimental drawings: An analytical and experimental study.

Recommended citation:

Ahmedien, D.  A.  M.  (2016) Designing an artificial environment to create contemporary experimental drawings: An analytical and experimental study. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 1(1), pp.79-96, Intellect. DOI: 10.1386/drtp.1.1.79_1

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Technologies of self-making.

Recommended citation: 

Ahmedien, D.  A.  M.  (2019), “Technology of self-making”, TECHNARTE: the International conference of Art & Technology, 16-17 May, Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao, Spain. 


Use the mechanisms of the Holographic Interferometry in Sciences of Visual Arts.

Recommended citation: 

Ahmedien, D.  A.  M.  (2015), “Use mechanisms of the Holographic Interferometry in Sciences of Visual Arts”, the Annual International OSA Network of Students (IONS), 26-29 June, international year of light, Karlsruhe Institute of technology, oral presentation summary, Germany, PP. 15.

Holographic Art as an Approach to Enhance Visual Communication in Egyptian community.

Recommended citation: 

Ahmedien, D.  A.  M. (2015), 'Holographic Art as an Approach to enhance Visual communication in Egyptian community: Experimental Study', World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4), 970.


Beyond Tahrir: Unfolding Perspectives.

Recommended citation: Ahmedien, D.A.M. (2013) ‘Machinery’, a part of the book: Beyond Tahrir. Unfolding Perspectives. Edited by Rauschenbusch, A., Germany: University of the Arts Bremen, pp. 30–33.

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