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Light promotion   

Bern, May 2015

Washington, January 2016  


For a long time, light was considered a manifestation of God and the universe in the material world. The ancient metaphysics of light with its view of light and darkness as two forces struggling against each other, shaped our imagination for millennia. But, then electrification profaned light and with the sky having since been “empty of God” the metaphysics of light has also outlived its usefulness. It has been replaced, writes Hartmut Böhme, by light art, which makes diverse of light, culminating temporality in Turrellesque light installation (Kugler, J. 2015: 10).


At the end of 2014, UNISCO announced 2015 the international year of light IYL, and almost simultaneously, the Optical Society OSA was preparing for celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2016. As an artist, and researcher in sciences of visual arts, particularly laser art, I have been invited from several institutions to participate in both events.

On the one hand, I concentrated on the role of visual arts to promote light as a matter, and how the current sciences and technology of light have deeply contributed to change the concept of the artistic material on the other hand. through conducting several activities, I provided a comprehensive vision of light in art not only as via individual practice but also by delivering activities, lectures, and seminars for the public.








Included activities:

  • Design optical system for light motion.

  • Design infographic summary of light usage and advancements 

  • Organize two seminars in light art

  • Create an interactive light environment. 

Recommended citation:

Diaa Ahmedien (2015-2016), Light Promotion: art seminar, activities and exhibition, the University of Applied sciences Bern, the optical society OSA in cooperation with the international year of light IYL UNESCO, USA. 

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